5G-What It Is And How It Differs From 4G In Terms Of Transmission Characteristics

5G-What It Is And How It Differs From 4G In Terms Of Transmission Characteristics
We live in a world where everything is becoming more manageable and accessible at the simple snap of our finger – or a simple touch on our mobile phones. We get information quickly via the internet, and our phones are not just a device used to text or call a friend. It has become a gadget that changes the way we live and work. Our mobile phone allows us to surf the internet, send emails and chats and even interact with each other online.
Your phone’s connectivity
Wireless network technology called “G”. The “G” in cellular networks stands for generation. In the 1980’s the first generation or 1G was introduced with voice only, analog service. Today, the latest addition is a 5G or 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless generation designed to connect anyone virtually and just anything together, including machines, objects, and devices.
Before 5G, there were 4G networks released in the late 2000’s and were 500 times faster than 3G. 4G is the one responsible for supporting high definition mobile TV, video conference and many more. With 4G network, the top speed when the device is stationary can reach up to 100mbps but when moving, it can be 10s of mbps. However, since users are sharing the available sector capacity, the speed can reach from 10s to 100s of mbps.
What about 5G?
5G or fifth-generation promises superfast speeds and revolutionizes mobile networking and can create a whole new economic opportunity as well. 5G wireless technology is designed to deliver higher multi Gbps peak data speeds, more reliable connection, massive network capacity and a more comfortable user experience to more users around the world. It is expected to deliver faster mobile broadband services and can expand into new service areas such as mission-critical communication and connecting the massive Internet of Things.
4G and 5G differences
5G is better than 4G in terms of speed and bandwidths. With high speed and superior ability, 5G will expand the mobile ecosystem into new heights. It will have a positive impact on every industry. 5G is nearly 100 times faster than 4G in terms of transmission and performance. With speed like 5G, you can download a two-hour film in as fast as 10 seconds. With 4G, you can do the download for about seven minutes or longer. Also, with 5G, you don’t have to deal with slower data speeds and longer lag time for downloads.
5G and 4G in terms of transmission characteristics differ greatly. 5G means a better connection for everyone’s phones. With 5G, the latency is virtually zero as compared to 4g with low latency. 5G is a unified connection with more capable air interface designed to enable next-generation user experiences with high speeds, superior reliability and almost zero latency.